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WOD, 29/5/14
Tabata sets of: AMRAP double unders 1 minute rest AMRAP thrusters 20/15kg 1 minute rest AMRAP hollow rocks 1 minute rest AMRAP wall balls
read moreWOD, 27/5/14
10 rounds for time 6 plate over head lunges 5 plate GTOH 5 burpees onto plate With OMEN 6 chest to floors
read moreWOD, 22/5/14
(i) UNBROKEN In a 9 Min Window Establish an Unbroken Thruster 9 - 6 - 3 rep max In minute 0-3 9 Rep Max Unbroken Thruster In minute 3-6 6 Rep Max Unbroken Thruster In minute 6-9 3 Rep Max Unbroken Thruster (ii) 10min OMEM 60/40kg 2 Deadlifts 2 front squat 2 push press
read moreWOD, 16/5/14
400m run 24 lunges 24/16kg KB 400m run 24 high hang pulls24/16kg KB 400m run 24 wall ball shots 20/14lb 400m run 24 alternating arm swings
read moreWOD, 15/5/14
5 rounds for time 12 shoulder to over head @ 60/40kg 8 burpees 6 hollow rocks
read moreWOD, 14/5/14
AMRAP in 18mins 6 KB squat cleans (R) 5 strict toes to bar 6 KB squat cleans (L) 30 double unders
read moreWOD, 13/5/14
15 mins to find 1RM deadlift 3 reps and increase load OMEM for 12 minutes 3 deadlifts (10-20kg off PR) 6 chest to floor push ups
read moreWOD, 12/5/14
I) complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes, 200m run 10 KB swings II) complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes, Burpee box jumps III) complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes, 5 pull ups 10 chest to floors 15 air squats
read moreWOD, 7/5/14
5 mins max calorie row 2mins rest 5mins max reps wall balls 2mins rest 5mins max reps D/U's 2mins rest 5mins max reps ring combo 2mins rest
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